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VI. Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and 

     Population Health Outcomes

  1. Employ effective communication and collaborative skills in the development and implementation of practice models, peer review, practice guidelines, health policy, standards of care, and/or other scholarly products.

  2. Lead interprofessional teams in the analysis of complex practice and organizational issues.

  3. Employ consultive and leadership skills with intraprofessional and interprofessional teams to create change in health care and complex healthcare delivery systems.


Exemplar #1:

Relational Communication Toolkit






Compiled as set of useful tools to improve communication in interpersonal and organizational settings, I developed this communication toolkit in NURS 6793. Proven useful, I frequently refer to it to ground and guide conversations and interactions especially when stakes and emotions are high and when negotiating. 


Exemplar #2: 


Communication Through the QI Process: Leader Rounding to Improve the Patient Experience






Created and applied during NURS 6793, this synthesis presentation demonstrates how I implemented relational communication theory application, conflict management, and negotiation strategies to lead an inter-professional team to achieve organizational goals for leader rounding compliance in an effort to improve patient experience. 


Exemplar #3: 

DNP Quality Improvement Project Interprofessional Team Leadership



















To implement and support efforts for my DNP project, I formed and led an interdisciplinary team. Key members included Pediatric Palliative Care providers, external facilitators from Locus Health software company, internal physician facilitators who had experience with remote patient monitoring in the pediatric setting, a Business Intelligence developer to help with data collection, and quality improvement consultants. The project was presented to UVA CH stakeholders with support garnered by service line nursing and physician leaders.








​American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (AACN). (2006). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice [PDF].


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